The applications will be reviewed by an external review panel made up of experts globally (excluding the United States), recognized for their expertise in liver disease research, public health knowledge or patient advocacy work. Upon recommendation of the review panel, the Gilead grant review committee will make the final decision. All official notices regarding the award decision will be sent by email directly to the applicants.
There is no maximum grant amount for each project idea. The approved grant amount will factor in the medium chosen, scale, project duration and cost of living across countries.
Yes, you may submit more than one project if the objectives are different. However, please note that no more than one project per applicant will be funded each grant cycle.
No. Gilead ALL4LIVER Grant funding is only available to organizations with a certification of non-profit tax status through an official or government-issued document (including academic institution). To be eligible, the applicant organization:
  • Established for at least two years at the time of the grant application, with strong track record of program execution
  • Sound financial stewardship, strong commitment to good corporate governance, compliance, and ethics
  • Demonstrate understanding of viral hepatitis and the at-risk communities (including those with other disease groups such as liver cancer, HIV)
  • Must be located in at least one of the following territories listed in the Funding Opportunities Announcement (FOA).

Applicants are advised to review the eligibility criteria carefully in the FOA.
Yes. Applicant may team up with other groups for the execution of project but funding will be granted to one group as the project coordinator.
No. Gilead does not provide retroactive grants. Requests for support must be submitted to Gilead prior to the start of the activity. All selected projects are required to be completed by 30 June 2025.

Projects with multiple launch dates or locations should be submitted in a single, complete application.

No. Applicants must submit a detailed breakdown of the project budget along with the expected grant funding that you require from the Gilead ALL4LIVER Grant.

The online application form requires applicants to upload a project’s budget plans and timelines. If you have supplementary documents, please raise an enquiry on the grant portal after submitting the online application form. Please specify the organization name, submission number, project name, and the Gilead ALL4LIVER Grant Program ID.

All official notices regarding the award decision will be sent by email directly to the grantee organization.

Gilead representatives can provide technical assistance but cannot comment on the award application content. For more information or any further queries, please raise a query on the grant portal.

Apply For Grant