According to the World Health Organization, there are an estimated 257 million people globally who suffer from hepatitis B (HBV). Asians are disproportionately impacted due to a lack of testing during their childhoods, and national immunization programs were only implemented in the 1980s. While awareness about diseases such as diabetes and cancer are high, the same cannot be said about HBV. Its modes of transmission and how undiagnosed HBV has a higher likelihood of developing into liver cancer are largely unknown to those who suffer from it.
One of the people who found himself lacking the knowledge to tackle his diagnosis was Min Kyung Yoon from Seoul, South Korea. After being diagnosed with HBV and liver cancer, the 65-year-old decided to take charge of his health. Cary James, CEO of the World Hepatitis Alliance says,
“Early diagnosis can be crucial for people living with hepatitis B to live long and happy lives. Raising awareness of hepatitis is an essential driver for people to come forward for diagnosis and testing. We must all come together with the communities impacted by hepatitis B so that we can achieve the elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030.”
Follow Min as he understands his health and advises others who suffer from the same illness on how knowing their HBV status and being proactive about disease management can save their lives.
As Min advises, people need to ask – could it happen to me? This simple question can save their life.